99 Desires: CD
  • 99 Desires: CD

99 Desires: CD

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In the autumn of 2015, with only a vintage reel-to-reel recording set up and a couple of decent microphones, I holed up in my log cabin in Maine, and proceeded to lay down the tracks for what would become this album. Using a spinet Cable-Nelson piano (on indefinite loan from an old friend), my grandfather’s 1925 Martin guitar, a fretless banjo, and

In the autumn of 2015, with only a vintage reel-to-reel recording set up and a couple of decent microphones, I holed up in my log cabin in Maine, and proceeded to lay down the tracks for what would become this album. Using a spinet Cable-Nelson piano (on indefinite loan from an old friend), my grandfather’s 1925 Martin guitar, a fretless banjo, and a borrowed accordion, I went about recording these tunes, in as simple and spare a manner as possible. Features the harmony vocals of Ashley Storrow. Includes the songs: “All in Good Time,” “If I Had a Time Machine” “Let’s Give a Damn,” and “Gotta Go Where the Love Is.”

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